Terms & Conditions

Welcome to MotoMotar, where we’re revolutionizing the way you buy and sell cars and bikes! Before you start browsing our platform, we want to make sure you understand how things work around here. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and read through these terms and conditions carefully. They’ll help you navigate our platform with ease and avoid any confusion down the line.

  1. Using MotoMotar
    1.1 By using MotoMotar, you agree to these terms and conditions. If you don’t agree, then we can’t be friends… just kidding! But seriously, please don’t use our platform unless you’ve read and understood these terms.
    1.2 We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time, so it’s always a good idea to check back periodically. We’ll try to give you advance notice of any major changes, but sometimes life gets busy and we might forget. So, you know, don’t say we didn’t warn ya!
  2. Buying and Selling
    2.1 When you buy or sell a car or bike on MotoMotar, you’re dealing directly with the seller or buyer. We’re just here to provide a platform for you to connect and negotiate. Don’t come crying to us if things go wrong – but we’ll do our best to help if there’s a problem.
    2.2 Make sure you inspect the vehicle thoroughly before making a purchase. We don’t want you to end up with a lemon… or worse, a car that’s been previously owned by a smoker! Just kidding, we love smokers too! But seriously, inspect that baby like it’s your first born child.
    2.3 Be honest and transparent when describing the condition of your vehicle. Don’t try to pull a fast one on unsuspecting buyers – we frown upon dishonest behavior and might even ban you from our platform if you get caught.
  3. Payments and Transactions
    3.1 All payments are processed securely through our platform. We don’t touch your money – it goes straight from your bank account to the seller’s. But don’t worry, we’ve got fraud protection measures in place to keep your cash safe.
    3.2 If there’s a problem with your transaction, we’ll do our best to mediate and resolve the issue. But remember, we’re not a court of law – we can only suggest solutions based on our policies and procedures.
  4. Listings and Advertisements
    4.1 When listing your vehicle for sale, make sure you provide accurate and truthful information. Don’t mislead potential buyers with fake or manipulated photos – we’ll take those down and maybe even ban you from our platform.
    4.2 We reserve the right to reject or remove any listings that don’t meet our standards. And yes, we do have standards – we’re not a dumping ground for junk vehicles!
  5. Intellectual Property
    5.1 All content on our platform, including logos, designs, and branding, is the exclusive property of MotoMotar. Don’t try to rip off our IP – we’ll sue you faster than you can say “copyright infringement.”
    5.2 If you submit any feedback, suggestions, or ideas to us, we’ll consider them our property and may use them however we see fit. But don’t worry, we’ll always give you credit where credit is due – unless you ask us not to, in which case we’ll still give you credit but secretly think you’re kind of weird.
  6. Indemnification
    6.1 You agree to indemnify and hold harmless MotoMotar, its officers, directors, employees, agents, affiliates, and partners from any claims, demands, losses, damages, or expenses (including legal fees) arising from your use of our platform or your violation of these terms and conditions.
    6.2 In plain English, this means you’re responsible for any messes you make on our platform. So don’t go around causing trouble or we might have to send you the bill!
  7. Dispute Resolution
    7.1 If there’s a disagreement between you and another member, we’ll do our best to help resolve the issue through mediation or arbitration. But don’t expect us to play judge and jury – we’ll leave that to the professionals.
    7.2 If you’re unhappy with the outcome of our dispute resolution process, you can always seek legal action against the other party. But don’t blame us if you lose – we’re just a platform, not a miracle worker!
  8. Termination
    8.1 We reserve the right to terminate your account or suspend your access to our platform at any time, without notice or explanation. But don’t worry, we’ll always strive to be fair and reasonable in our decision-making processes.
    8.2 If we terminate your account, you won’t be entitled to any refunds or compensation – so don’t get too attached to our platform, okay?
  9. Miscellaneous
    9.1 These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of India, without regard to conflict of law provisions. So if there’s ever a dispute, we’ll settle it according to Indian law.
    9.2 If any part of these terms and conditions is deemed invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in effect – because we believe in the power of perseverance and determination!

Remember, we’re here to make buying and selling cars and bikes easier and more fun – so go ahead, browse our platform, and let the adventures begin!